
Thursday, April 24, 2003

hie blog... the past few days just sucked? sigh... i left my black netty file in LT2 on tuesday... happily.. onli realised it when i was at ghim moh for tuition... so dao mei? tuition was fruitful.. cuz he gave us overtime... and i understood op amp liaoz... oh well... i'm so gonna fail the electric field test tmr.. attended 2 tuition sessions on tt still lost? shit it. btw.. got back my file on wednesday.. still was in LT2.. anyway, yesterday sucked more? went to meet my mom at 1pm... to collect the money she owes me... she owes me $100 lah.. so she suggested paying $20 first then paying the balance some other time.. i insisted she paid me everything.. so she gave me her atm and i went to withdraw myself... stubborn rite? yes.. being stubborn aint good.. so went for band.. went for rj concert at esplanade after band... str8 after band me and clive took a cab down to JE.. in tt cab i transferred all the money i withdrew from my pants pocket into my wallet? itchy hands? u'll see why.. i lost my wallet?!?! onli realised it when i was at cck after the concert!? about to buy food? argh... shittified... wth was i ever stubborn and itchy-handed! hmph... called esplanade up today.. no such thing found... haizz... made a police report... think its gone... for good. =(


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