
Thursday, February 20, 2003

hey hello... sorry bloggie... website was down yesterday.. i dunno? dun ask... it realli was... ok.. i shall update u on the events of both days ok? yups... had band on wednesday... as usual... played inchon... super repetitive? i wanna play SF... hehe... oh well.. anyways.. band went fine.. till about 6... sch today was kinda slack... onli had econs tutorial.. (which she didnt call me... =)) and the rest 2 hours or so were spent listening to talks.. first by andrew matthews... this great cartoonist... was half-asleep tho... honest ok? anyways.. i bot his book.. got his autograph... dunno why the hell i bot the book!!? argh.. i'm already broke still can buy tt book for $16.30... nvm... my frd said its nice... and nvm... no regrets? be happy? err.. yah... malay was fun today! we went to the 'toilet' (which we took the time to go and eat) and when we came back he allowed us to go for break? like -_- ? duhs... celebrated kevin's bday... and he got bashed? shucks? lolz... went home sleepily... irced abit... then went to sleep.. tmr's friday... looking forward to the weekend! not to the gp test tho. period. see ya around...


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