
Friday, June 27, 2003

hey man... well.. slept at 3am last nite? studying? well.. lolz.. one topic? which i've already done? bah! but not bad.. did 3 topics today.. but i'm still slow! cannot make it lah.. i'm taking the midyears too lightly? like its some common test? shittifying... just hope to pass phy and maths... yeah.. pass maths when i havent even started? right... cool... way to go... sigh... life sucks? nothing but studying? u call tt life? sigh... oh well.. i caught amazing race 4.. kinda nice actually? fun... get to see places... now i hope my year-end trip will materialise? yeah... or even if it doesnt hopefully my mom will allow me to go to sydney by myself and my frd till err.. take care of me? heh... dunno lah.. nothing's concrete yet... cant wait for this whole sick exams thingy to zoom by.. hurry man.. sigh.. k.. gonna study till 4+ 5am tonite.. oops.. this morning i mean... yeah... take care~


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