
Monday, May 17, 2004

hey! the last week went well man. first of all it just zoomed by and secondly i met up with my jc classmates on saturday which was nice! heh. oh yeah... there was actually a gathering on saturday lah. bbss sec2e5'99. kinda regretted not going? err but only 6 went? ha. and this girl whom we all lost touch with called me! and surprisingly she went for the outing too. she dropped out in sec3 cuz of stress attributed to dnt i think. haha. was kinda shocked. ha... oh well. at least she's not depressed now and has got things str8tened out yeah. met my classmates at 4pm at town. looking metrosexual as ever. haha. so it was angel, diana, sharon, kelvin and me. rozi dropped by later. the other 2 couldnt go. but i thoroughly enjoyed it! had dinner at nydc. yummy! had exactly the same thing like the last time i went there? the boney chocolate thing is just too nice lah... basically we just crapped and lamed around. ms tie and all. haha... i miss those days! sob. -reminisces- it was good fun man. really enjoyed myself after not having met up since the day after results were released. ha. saw quite a few pple at town too. like wads new right... went esplanade too and just sat by the erm river and took lotsa photos. ha. yeah. didnt have any plans for sunday so i just bummed around. at home. boring sia. i really wanted to get my phone but again i couldnt make up my mind. dilemma of the year can. sigh. saw this hp ad in saturday's papers. samsung e700a selling for $368 after trading in 6100 and there's an additional discount of $100 if ur a singnet bb subscriber too? how cool is that and its freaking cheap! relatively i mean. ha. i dunno lah. its like i've always been an ardent supporter of nokia? hence the dilemma. but think i'm gonna get it anyway. dunno when. maybe next payday or smth. i really dunno. i just knoe i need a new phone? hmm yeah. was quite pissed off today lah! bloody hell. i had duty from 8 to 10 when supposedly it was only for an hour. 8 to 9? but the guy whu was supposed to take over me slept and didnt like check the duty roster? so i thought i was doing for 2 hours lah. the duty roster wasnt even planned when i went out at 8am. ok fine. i didnt knoe... then i had sentry duty from 12 to 2. and my last one at 3.30 to 6pm. so i went for my sentry duty lah. skipped lunch. and the person whu was supposed to overtake me at 2pm went to do sai kang? bloody hell! so i did till 4?! basket. i couldnt imagined doing another 2.5 hours sia. but they made someone to do it for me. so all in all i had 6 hours of duty today while others did 4? freaking unfair. so much for passing ippt sia! cuz those whu failed had to go for a run in the afternoon u see. grr. i skipped lunch and all. bloody hell. a hungry man is an angry man! and i have duty tmr! argh. my first. not looking forward to it? hmm yeah. and i'm supposed to be able to go home at 10am on wednesday cuz of half day. but my csm wants me to go for shooting practice since my marksmanship test is next week! so i cant go home at 10am lor? sebel amat! think my half day off is postponed lor. super irritating can. makes me hate army more. grr...


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