
Monday, May 10, 2004

the week's been pretty ok actually. kinda zoomed by which is good lah of cuz? mondays nv fail to start blue huh? lol... nothing significant really happened since i cant remember any shit? yeah. oh yes! there was a run on friday and they only informed us on friday? bloody hell. i didnt even have my pt kit and all. so went to emart and shopped like crazy since everything's free there cuz they gave me credits. the weather was good cuz it was cloudy and all. ran 2.4km and sprinted so many of goalpost-to-goalpost's! TIRING! i havent ran in like 1.5 months lor? legs ached throughout the weekend. damnit. anyway! payday was yesterday lah. i so couldnt wait lor? like had to get so many things since i didnt really shop last month. serious man... shopping's like an instant gratification sorta thing? ha. anyway was looking forward to saturday cuz i thot i'd get my pay tt day... but no? so i intended to stay home lah... but edna called me up when i was going home and asked me along for talentime? and so we went. havent been back to jj for eons anyway. yeah. its good to action senior once in a while yeah? lol. while waiting for edna i met angel, siti and yus? so we agreed to sit together. surprisingly angel and edna clicked quite well. ha. i think its only after we graduate then we start talking to like ur schoolmates whom u normally dont tok to when in sch? tt sorta thing? [which reminds me! while at jp last sunday waiting for clive and co i bumped into chengling? and yeah we did talk. ha. she was asking me how come my hair's so long and all. no need to go ns tt sorta thing? i proudly replied i'm past bmt. ha.] see? its really true. graduation brings us closer! ok anyway, talentime wasnt tt bad lah. the chinese guy was good. the solos for english were all guys? first was eugene ryan... my j1 classmate? he was good lah. duh he's from css choir. second guy was some caleb terence guy [havta admit he's good looking! sorry. the bisexual in me just had to type tt? lol.] and he played the piano while singing so the first thing i thot was he'd win since like its double talent sorta thing? the third guy was... haha. funny? operatic and all. so who won? eugene ryan! grr. not tt he's not good or wad but i felt they shud have like given plus points for caleb terence? yeah... shai's dance grp was fantastic. vicky's was one heavily bollywood influenced? but she looked like she was the only one having fun! enthu and all? haha. shai's grp won and yeah they deserve it lah. tho angel told me they ripped the dancesteps off from honey [the movie?] totally. oh well. had some refreshments after it ended and yeah i was hungry so had to go for 2 rounds. ha. oh yes! we saw ms tie! my god... she was looking like some witch. like she's nv before? haha. thank god she didnt see us. was wondering wad she was doing there also. anyway! edna kinda got high on punch and started her british faux accent thingy. haha. her version of kelis' milkshake which was so heavy with the british accent was funny! ha. so lydia tan-chia. yeah. oh yes... my jrs were asking me how come my hair's so long. =) yup... sunday was a lazy day. didnt go out till like 5? i was looking super metrosexual i tell u. i dunno why? ha! but its cool. wore my new puma sneakers! nice! hahaha. checked my pay. twas $540! my god. tts like forty more than a thousand [tries to make the figure big. ha.] but i kept reminding myself not to spend it anyhow. yeah. been wanting to get a nice pair of jeans so scouted around for a nice pair... the levis one wasnt bad. i really liked the fcuk one? but didnt quite like the cutting lah. it was bootcut for heaven's sake! i dont wanna look like some neighbourhood beng wannabe. gosh. went to paragon's metro to try the same pair of levis again. and guess wad! the salesgirl gave me the girl's one! wtf. i didnt even realise it until after trying? bloody hell. no wonder it looks tapered sia! mat. i told her off lah. "no thanks. u gave me the girl's one anyway." and she instantly apologised and smile2 and offered the mens one. i cudnt resist being nice so i tried it on again. the element was still missing so didnt buy it. lol. impromptuly [and i really mean it cuz kinda gave up hope looking for my jeans] went to levis at ngee ann city and there it was! ha. it was the last size30 available. its like dark blue with some faded faded thingy? and the back there... nearer to the ass? its faded there also? so hmm. it kinda emphasises my perky ass! ha! wth. edna ur fave? hahaha. -shy- heh. so i bought it lah. 160 bucks. got to become a member of levis club also. man! for ur bday month there's a 25% discount! ARGH! stupid payday had to arrive so late! got a free tee and some leather chain thingy. [oh yes! if u guys wanna buy levis stuff pls pls pls dont forget to bring me along with u yeah! i'll be more than happy to tag along! ha]happy me. ha. its really nice... the best of all i tried tt day. wanted to get a polo tee also so went to esprit. they had this black polo tee with the word esprit in red. i thot of getting it but my frds were like "oh it looks like wad the esprit salesperson will wear." sigh? didnt buy it. nvm. save money. ended up buying this esprit hp chain thingy? so cool i think. think it'd go well with my future phone. haha. tts if i'm getting it duh. anyway bot my mom a perfume from redearth also since her bday was last friday. and mothers day was yesterday too. two-in-one? u bet. haha. really nice scent tho i find it familiar. aiyah she has so many perfumes i also dunno. but she dusnt buy redearth stuff. so got for her tt. yeah. cheap cheap at $40. its better tt i bot it cuz if she asks for smth which is way outta my budget then its ho sey liao. haha. went home a happier metrosexual me. hahaha. today's work was boring. yawns. monday blues again. saw anneson and aloysius in the morning. saw tt midget too but i just refuse to say hi to him. heh. saw talib too. anyway, i had an hour break so went for brunch. ended duty at noon and i didnt wanna go for lunch. sorry girlfriend! haha. slept the day away lah. so tired and all. and the weather. unbearable. didnt wanna walk all the way to cookhouse and come back soaked in perspiration also. damn it didnt rain today. had to run again. the place was just sweltering. but i came in first today. haha. i was third the other day anyway. its not tt i'm fast or anything. its the rest. =) anyway! i kinda think this malay rp guy dusnt like me sia. his replies to me are like so coldly short. bloody hell. u hate me cuz i'm educated, cuz i'm more english than u and all right? u reek of this smell. god. loathing him now. anyway! i was the first to finish the run today right? so its running around the track 6 times lah? tt bastard ran only 5 rounds sia cuz he didnt overtake me! bloody hell. think i dunno lor. ur only cheating ur smelly self k. grr. still went "good job good job" to another fellow rp. eleh. my foot ah... this thursday is ippt! i'll see how ur gonna fail. not like i'm gonna pass but i'm definitely gonna pass my 2.4. tts like duh. hahaha. okay! gonna meet my jc clique this saturday! so looking forward to it... havent met up since 050304 lor? yeah... looking forward to tt! yup. how ah? i really really feel like getting the samsung e700a. how? any comments on it? anyone has it? or played with it b4? nice anot? think its cool tho its not nokia. ha. dilemma! its really really tempting me. think i'll check out the price soon since starhub's selling it for $488 ONLY! omg. angel u tempted? go get it! haha. oh. i havent told u guys my work motto have it? its "service with a smile". hahaha. i'm serious! there's this bus driver uncle whu will nv fail to salute me [wth i'm only a private!] even if he passes by me twice? ha. damn nice. will just end up smiling to myself. then while doing duty today. this guy sitting at the back of the tonner started waving frantically at me. wth? i dont think i even knoe him sia. nvm its ok... i just smiled back. service with a smile remember? haha... =)


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