
Friday, February 21, 2003

hey man.. sorry for being late... had AQ to do? AQsssssssss rather... stupid ass... urgh... she was away for the whole week and still assigned us so much work to do! and when she's with us happily no homework lor.. ah duhs.. oh well.. i could have gone home at 12.45pm today but the good me stayed for econs lecture? which was kinda pointless cuz i was dozing off? yeah... wanted to meet her... but yah.. i cudnt tie the ribbon nicely? lolz.. sorry lah huh.. perfectionist me... anyways.. gp test tmr.. sucky... cannot even enjoy! next sat got econs test.. wah lao.. and we still havent gotten back our first econs test of this yr! first week of 2003? wth.. happy keeping lah k.. today was a slack day as usual... went home to sleep.. nice feeling.. esp sleeping after bathing... must try? lolz.. k.. whatever.. ok.. lets look forward to after gp test tmr! byebye...


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