
Tuesday, September 23, 2003

hey man... my last entry's first few words were "i cudnt sleep last nite?"... guess i have to start with those same words again? bugger... think i'm having insomnia sia! i slept at like 2am last nite? was damn hyper lor... went to bed at around 12.30... then kept tossing and turning... then was hungry so went to make some tuna sandwiches for myself... tts it? cudnt sleep lor... was listening to jay chou... hoping to doze off... but failed? which is kinda good? cuz it goes to show tt jay chou isnt a lullaby singer? haha... serious lor... cudnt sleep man... i was hoping the hype will last till after the paper... but it was 67.23057128947% gone after i woke up in the morning? haha... oh well... maths p2 was hmm... dunno wad to say? pure maths section wasnt easy ya... first qn i stunned lor? had onli like 3-4 lines for a 4 marks qn?! wah... 2nd qn more stunned... i forgot the integration by parts formula?! so didnt want to waste time.. proceeded on... qn 3 was like? huh... dunno how to draw? skipped... went to the last qn of section a... cudnt do the last part... so ya... went to stats... here i come? bugger... hypothesis didnt come out lor? so sad man... some semblance of hypo did come out lah... but like? hurr? 2 marks qn my workings were like one-third a page? ha... 4 marks qn and my working's like in 3-4 steps? shucks... oh man... hopefully i didnt screw up P(Z>-a) those sorta thing... if i got them wrong then the section on stats confirm gone case liaoz lor... i cud do the one on DRV tho! wah lao... 7 marks? my working like super madness lor? P(T=6) = 2P(5,6) + 2P(4,6) + 2P(3,6) + 2P(2,6) + P(1,6) + P(1,1)?!?! tt step is like essentially worthy of 3 marks sia... tt was just a teeny weeny part of the whole qn? wth... happy doing lor... so irritating? but i cud do lah... heh... tts like the onli qn i'm confident of... ok... was happily statsing... then went back to pure maths section... integration by parts... was happily deriving formula cuz forgot? supposed to let u = lnx i let v = lnx??! oh man! but everything else was correct... just hmm... opposite sorta thing lor? oh man... pls i need those marks... then curve sketching... wah lao... took a gamble and anyhow draw... shud be correct after comparing... hehe... hai... hope to get a D at least ya? C would be good... nv have i gotten a C for maths throughout my err... journey in jj? lolz... anyway... mr anand was our invigilator for the first half... damn funny lor... thot he kinda made us happy tho we were all sulky cuz its like... hello? maths? ha... then mr chia was our other invigilator.. the art one? mr chia rite? ha... after collecting our scripts he was like... "do u guys all notice something interesting? in this class alone there are 6 left handed people..." ha... i was like... hurr? nothing better to do? think he's a leftie or smth? welcome to the club? haa... whatever... econs tmr... stress... dreamt of ms tie last nite?!??! my god... she was saying smth like "whoa... prelims already... still doing so badly whoa hafisssaan..." pls... i dun wanna fail? they often say dreams are the opposite of reality? i sure hope so? ha... gonna sleep now... then wake up do econs ya... the then statistician is an economist today? a follower of economstie? hahaha... see ya~


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