
Monday, October 20, 2003

sigh... what is happening... its how bloody near to my As! fark it lah... nvm...

'Cause it makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
It makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter
Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
Makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter

so goes the song by christina aguilera... "fighter"... yup... am gonna emerge stronger... gonna work hard for the As... gonna work hard... gonna get a good paid job... earn big bucks... am never gonna give her money... bitch. of cuz this is a long term plan... hai? short term plan... do well for As... show her that i can make it... she thinks she can wreak havoc? whatever u bitch. grrr.

thanks mom for always being on my side. thanks to my grannies for being so motivating, always motivating me to study hard. thanks to my tante, ur like a second mom to me. thanks adit for brightening up my days when ur in singapore, remain cute. thanks to my uncle, u've always taken good care of me and my bro without fail when we're in jakarta. thanks tizi, for the prayer u said for me last night, good friends always. thanks chahat and diana and everyone else, u guys have been nice too. thanks edna, u've always been there when i need someone to tok to. thanks angeline for ur addictive laughter. thanks vicky for ur super addictive laughter. thanks jem, love ur brown eyes. thanks zac, i loveeeee ur brown eyes, thanks for everything ya. thanks jeannie for being my good frd since sec1. thanks enci, ur cookies will be so overdued, after As k? thanks clive. thanks siewkim, remain sweet. thanks to my wonderful juniors, continue the jjcsb legacy. thanks xinpei, study hard k. thanks mr leng for bringing the band to a higher standard of musical excellence and ever so entertaining. thanks to my classmates. sisters6 and kelvin, u guys nv fail to make me laugh. thanks diana, my sister, u've been wonderful. thanks to steph, zl and choo, u guys have have been good to me. thanks to sarah. thanks to the guys too for always gaying around with me. thanks ms tie, we'll shine for u ya, its onli a matter of time. thanks ms lang for being so patient with my class, we'll shine for u too. thanks mery, remain pretty. thanks jesmund, u've been nice and all to me, appreciate it. thanks kimpeng. thanks garrie, future bunkmates ya. thanks to everyone else. the list's too long to mention. but u knoe i love u all too. thanks dad and ur wife. i'm so gonna emerge stronger after this ordeal.

christina aguilera - the voice within

When there's no one else
Look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend
Just trust the voice within
Then you'll find the strength
That will guide your way
If you will learn to begin
To trust the voice within...


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