
Sunday, January 04, 2004

aarghhhhhh... i cant view my own blog lor? some of my friends' one also i cant access? bugger. izzit the song? hmm... guilty is guilty? lolz! anyway... i think my skin has gotten better... no more peeling and stuff man... it was so bloody dry lor when i was there? must be the winter weather there... sooo dry... and i had no moisturizer or anything like that... glad its fine now... ha! vanity to the max? lolz... have been sleeping late the past couple of nights... i dunno eh... my mom also? i think the feeling of jetlagginess is still there? yeah... slept at half past 3 this morning... woke up at 11 sadly... quickly got ready cuz i had to send my cuz off to the airport with my mom... again i felt like going overseas? man... my mom was asking me whether wanna go malacca anot during the CNY break... but i dunno whether can leave the country anot lei? hmm... oh well... i wudnt mind doing some CNY visiting here either... with a cap that is. lolz... oh... went to this perfume shop at the airport just now... while i was at heathrow i sprayed some perfumes on... cuz i thot of getting the kenzo one since i had spare pounds left... anyway tt salesgirl bugged me lor... like give me tt ur-a-student-and-hence-cannot-afford look? whatever lor. wah lao bugger. says whu i cant lor... hmph. i immediately left of cuz. lolz... but i really like the kenzo perfume eh... anyone? heh... oh... my cuz is 12 u see... and when children below 15 go overseas alone they have this thing such as unaccompanied minor... so my cuz was one also lah... then we had to go liaoz mah cuz my mom has to work... and u knoe changi airport has beefed up security right... only passengers can check in and get their boarding passes and everything (before immigration)... so my mom wanted to go into the check-in area and tell the garuda stuff tt we're leaving and my cuz will be alone... this policewoman! bitch lor. i bet u dunno wads UM sia! i mean... need u be so rigid? my cuz is 12 for god's sake. we're just gonna tell the garuda staff to take care of him wad. bugger. pls be more sympathetic lah. argh. i hope when ur kid goes say hongkong or smth he'll instead end up in sri lanka! HA! good for u. asshole... make some exceptions lah. like my mom is some terrorist sia. bitchhhhh. oh... this kid or whoever was supposed to go to indonesia or smth but ended up in thailand? ha... or either way lah... appeared in the news? lolz... sri lanka off u go. i have buffer dinner later... at some hotel... ha... my phy tutor's gonna pay for us? i feel so guilty... ha... i dun think there's halal food but i shall just eat wisely... ha... it was the same thing while in UK also... eat wisely tt sorta thing... but well... we had halal food half the time... brought rice cooker and all lor? spices all? ha... oh... there was like asian street (tho tts not the name) in cardiff... had all the asian food shops lah... halal ones also got... so difficult to find ketchup... u knoe? black soya sauce? they keep thinking its tomato ketchup lor... and yes... they dun have chilli sauce there... i love the corned beef pasty! i dunno why its pasty... for us its pastry right? ha... oh well! today was my first day going adult on ezlink? ha... and the bus driver gave me tt u-better-not-cheat look lor... pls lor... i wanna cheat also cannot sia... not like i'm some cheena beng whus using an indian primary sch kid's ezlink sia! serious... i saw it before? lolz... think some might knoe... ha... oh well... oh! read the new paper today... wah lao! the reporter spelt disappointing as diSSapointing... pls lor... and this ad read privedleged or smth? anyhow only... and there was this article on singapore idol also... i think singapore's just too small lah? we'll see... american idol's back! jan 22nd! i'll be out of camp then... but i dun think i can watch it... oh carol's back too... ha... so fun... but all these series came back at the wrong time. urgghhh... oh well... i think i wanna rest now... byeee~


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