
Wednesday, June 02, 2004

ha. sorry. so much for commenting on others when i dont keep my words. haha. so much for wanting to update more often yeah. but at least the previous posts were long and all. sorry if u guys had to squint a lil? hehe. had range last week. monday and tuesday. supposed to be for three days but they brought forward the marksmanship test from wednesday to tuesday lor. range was slack. u can like sleep when ur not required to shoot and they wont even care. and yeah. i have a confession to make. i'm a bobo shooter. i failed my marksmanship test! not as in i didnt get the marksman thingy but i failed to pass the test even? haha. sorry lah. bobo shooter. its very weird lor. maybe cuz i'm a leftie using an instrument meant for righties. must be. ha. hopefully they wont gimme a reshoot lah. tho tt'd be good. maybe i can get to be a marksman and hence get the $200 monetary award? right. bobo shooters can forget about it. lol. yeah. got my phone last wednesday. surveyed a lil on sunday lah. and this shop where i always go to was selling the samsung e700a for $468. read the small print. didnt say anything. so yeah. happy happy lah right! trade-in was about 180 to 200 bucks. so i thot i could get it for $288 after trading in. happy happy all. so cheap lor. then went there on wednesday and the guy told me my contract with singtel has to be at least 21 months old! wah lao. i freaking scolded the guy lah. small print didnt even mention anything about it lah k. yes. i scolded him infront of my mom and all. farker. lol. i got the phone in the end lah. borrowed 100 bucks from my mom and needa pay her next payday lor. freaking hell. had to change plan also. now using iOne i think. free incoming calls? so pls call me! anyone? ha. and i think NO sms's at all. i'm gonna die. there's like 300 sms's for the first 6 months tho. after which = ZILCH! fark. ho sey liao. sigh. and i felt abit regretful after getting it lah. dunno why. spending $400 on a phone. wasnt so guilty when i bot my 6100 for $450. ha. i guess its just samsung. i'm slowly adapting to it lah. sms's and all different mah. but well. i guess i'm quite happy with it. thank god. not deluding myself k. haha. and whenever in camp i'll have to like use it under the bed? dont wanna let anyone see. camera phones arent allowed in camps ya? ha. and dont wanna let it be the object of envy of the thief. yeah. there were 3 cases of thefts in the guardhouse. 2 actually. the third one failed! haha. we managed to find my frd's md player which was supposedly stolen? lol. confirmed its tt farker. first it was my sgt's t630. then last friday it was a 6600 which we confiscated from some guy. so yeah. no ipod. no digicam to camp. too risky. told u my sgt owes me a half day? long long overdued lah. was supposed to have it last month but cuz of the shooting thing its like postponed. anyway last week i asked him to have it yesterday lah. cuz of jjcsb concert mah. so can go home at noon, rest and all. u knoe wad he said? offs are privileges and not entitlement. whatever sia. fuqit. others can choose when they want it and i cant lah. this another guy asked this monday and he wanted his off yesterday and he got it! when i asked him last week he said no tuesday! basket. oh yeah. i've kinda adjusted to the RP life now. haha. my sgt (another one) likes to bully me. and everyone's calling me fifi now! my god. no i didnt tell them about that nickname. bah. oh well. supposed to do duty for 3 hours yesterday lah. the other hour which was supposed to be prowling is one which we RPs dont do normally. we prowl on the bed? which equates to sleeping. ha. then happy all lah. 3 hours mah. then this chinese farker changed it. basket. chinaman. go back china lah! he happy2 change change and as a result he only did 3 hours of desk? cmon lor. sit in pass office. basket. pple bask in the sun all. farker. hopefully i get my corporal b4 he ORD's then i can plan the duty plan and put him as gate ic for 4 hours or wad. satisfaction guaranteed lor. hmph. his english is soo bad tt its barely decipherable? i think its his thick chinese accent. but whatever. i heard his cupboard stinks! eiu. stay stay stay away! hmph. oh yes. sajcband concert last saturday. it was good. duh its sa. like their sound. tho i'd prefer last yr finals glenn miller. 2nd half was a musical which they put up. kinda cliche scenes and all but oh well. it was entertaining ya. had supper with mel and her bandmates. her senior kenneth came over to talk to her and he's just so so so nice? even an outsider like me could feel it? made some ns talk with him too. i cant get over the fact tt he's soo nice. ha. got home at like 1am? took the last bus to JE. took a cab from there. and yesterday was jjcsb concert. i was actually looking forward to it after having met jiamao at the sa concert. he was saying it'd be good and all. right. the concert sucked big time. malu malu malu totally. now i'm doubting andy sim's ability. leng shudnt have left lah! hai. nvm. just take it tt i went back to see my friends. ha. i think 11 of us from my batch came back. anyway! saxes were bad. too many flutes hence intonation become a lil diff. trumpets were the worst i think. the only section i like was the lower brasses. very strong. and yeah. again the number of flautists outnumber the number of clarinettists. one eupho also. alot alot of percussionists. and yeah. alot of guys in the band. ha. oh! chi came! ocs boy whoa. went for supper with the rest at jp. home after tt. oh yes! edna dyed her hair! i love it! its red. think its called lowlights or anything? i dunno lah. its in patches? nice. love it. i wanna dye my hair too. sob! didnt have any plans for today till my mom smsed me asking me out for dinner. yeah. she picked me up at 5 and we went town to eat. i was back at 7.30pm? haha. damn fast lor. went zara to get my black polo tee. ahh! they didnt have S so i took M. and i find it a lil long. damn. i got it anyway. was kinda worried my debit card wudnt have money lor. but i paid with it anyway. whew. oh! iPod has this iTrip thingy. its this thing u attached to ur iPod and it can then play songs thru ur car stereo or any fm radio? its sooo cool. no wires and everything! good for the avid traveller yeah. and yeah. my mom's frd gave it to me. hehe. oh yeah. anneson's driving toyota RAV4. ah shit. i totally love it. i wanna get it. sob! but lemme get my license first. havent even registered. soon soon. haha... =)


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