
Sunday, August 31, 2003

hey man... heh. been lazy... like wads new... yeah... thursday was an ok day... ms tie was nice? i think cuz friday was teachers day lor? surely got motive one ah ms tie... lolz... phy tutorial was like so useless? like massive chit-chat session lor... shud have just gone home during lunch lah k... seriously lor... yeah... then went to clementi... ate zinger meal at kfc... alone k? like how sad is tt lor... lolz... was craving for cheese fries tt time mah... heh... then went for tuition... bot something for our physics tutor? lolz... he's always wearing the same shirt... so we bot him a shirt lor? ha... quite cheap... yeah... phy tuition was kinda ok... there was this newcomer from pj? ha... this guy lah... then when we were going back... he went to meet his frd... this girl from pj... tt girl looks damn familiar?! even audrey thot so too? i wonder where i/we met her? lolz... i realli find her familiar lor... shall ask him next thurs or smth... went home... slacked? cuz the next day was teachers day celebration mah... heh... teachers day was kinda fun? aces day! lolz... ms tie was sooo jumpy + hair flying and all + sports shoes? lolz... so funny lor... serious ya... and tt sally chua? pls lor... doing aces in wad? this gownish attire and heels? get a life lor bitch... ha... the concert was fabulous? ha... first time. heh... then they showed this clip... something on our teachers being our heroes? damn touching! wanna cry all lor... i was thinking... i'm gonna work hard and make ms tie damn proud of me... hahaha... ok lah... of 02S30 k! heh... then went back to bbss... was like so alone? then met my frds there... fun fun... heh... i said hi to mrs lim? she just like ignored me! and i went off lor? so sad sia... talked to ms jay... tts it? 2 teachers onli... but yeah.. i went back to see frds actually? ha... waited for the pj pple till like 12 lor... bloody late? i was already rushing for the movie... was hoping edna hadnt buy the tix yet... since they were going to eat and pleaded with me... sorry edna? ha... but i went to watch the movie still... the story was like wth? i believe the audience unanimously went "heh?" during tt twist? ha... i'd give it a 6.2917391263 on the horror-scale... ha... better than ju-on definitely... went home... wanted to sleep till 6... but right... slept till 8? maths revision... gone case? slacked till midnight?! champion lor... then read abit of notes... next day... maths mock? wah lao... i sat alone? so much for being gentlemanly lor... of cuz i didnt copy lah... first few qns were like blank? sigh... gonna fail. like duh? then went to lot1 to eat... then went to walk2... u wudnt believe wad happened?! this bloody fag was like looking at me so intently... head to toe?! wah lao... sarah so it and was stunned also? pls lor... idiot... then went to popular to get some stationery... orange orange? heh... spent like 1 hour + there? as if shopping for clothes lor? ha... then went home... slept slept... yeah... then went online... got to knoe smth? bloody fag. dun anyhow accuse lor... yes... i had a very gay day? hmph. lolz. ok... woke up kinda early... 8+? ha... didnt do work lah.. started only at 4 lor... sigh... break now? heh... okie then... yeah... mel: this post is for u... ha... study hard peeps... u especially! =)


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