
Wednesday, August 27, 2003

heyy man... didnt blog yesterday cuz was kinda lazy... nothing much happened lah... ms tie picked on me lor... and i said the wrong word? was called a nut... pls lah bitch. if i were a nut i'd have been admitted to IMH lah u fool. i just dun geddit... she prays every morning after the singing of the national anthem and she's still so uncouth and vulgar? forget it lah... like wads the purpose of being a christian then? duh. wads with this week lor... pick on hafizan day? my day just sucked?. ms tie called me up to draw and determine how a PC firm maximises profits... i was stunned but i knew how to draw... then she asked how does a PC firm attain allocative efficiency... i told her the right answer... D = P = AR = MR... TWICE. and she didnt geddit? cuz she wanted the answer P = MR? how rigid. then wanna pick on me! fine lah u ass. totally pick on hafizan week lor. sigh. maths test was like ok? bad i shall say... kinda affected by the bitch. bitch of the year. gp wasnt fun either?! bloody mrs chua. loathed my group's presentation like shit. called it rubbish? fine lah. u bloody racist. i'm gonna get that distinction for GP for As! just u wait lor. just bcuz i'm the only malay in the class u dont have to discriminate against me u knoe. good that ms tie put her down infront of us twice last week. i hate the both of u tho? just supporting ms tie? but still hate her. bitches of the year. my day just sucked lor? shit it lah... nvm... i shant get affected by all these like wad she said... i have other things to worry about... i think i absolutely loathe the school? said wad... they're not gonna claim $1 from us for the cards... in the end they did? pls lah... wanna claim say so lah... cheapos. the cards werent anything fantastic either. CHEENA i shall say. wad chinese idioms all... dont forget the spring if u drink from the stream? pls lah... we do have english idioms equivalent to tt lah k? seek and u shall find lah. i'm gonna burn the cards ah! lolz. dunno whether go to back to bbss anot... even so i wun and will nv give my teachers the card lor. k lah... so much for whining... gtg and do some work now... see ya... - 19+77 little stabs of reality to curse my nonchalance -


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