
Friday, February 06, 2004

hey man... so sorry? took quite some time to update cuz yeah... i was plain lazy... anyway! went out with zac last sat? super impromptu + last minute? went with him to watch LOTR3 [yes i knoe its like super eons old] since he wanted to go alone but me being nice... anyway twas long movie... zzz... i only liked the fighting scenes tho... oh... and i dared to leave my house without my cap? ha... then went to my aunt's place for a super advanced hari raya haji thingy? like hari raya haji fell on sunday but i was there on saturday night? super advanced yeah... ha... was supposed to go out with beck last sun? so ok fine... he'll msg me when he's done with his thing... and he msged me at 8pm? wth lah... seriously? go where sia? totally wasted my day lor... my precious hours. ha. then went to buy my bro's hp with my mom on monday... he got a 3200! what do i get? zilch. grr... was home at like noon? seriously... the last few hours b4 book in are the suckiest?! super low morale? no. make that... abysmal morale. really. sucks totally? the prospect of booking in again and facing another SLOW week is totally dreadful? and my mom cudnt send me to pasir ris also... so i had to take public transport all the way to pasir ris bus interchange... damn i hate being seen in the public wearing the number4 uniform lah. man. this week went quite fine lah actually... no lower limb week... so no running and everything... only upper body? v-shaped liaoz? ha! right. my first guard duty on tuesday night! MAN IT SUCKED. totally. i thot i'd do patrolling and everything but no? they put me in the guard room all alone? as in i was the only recruit there. no buddy even. i knew why they chose me lah huh. thanks for being nice? but it was sooo boring! all the way from 6pm to 6am? i just stayed in the guard room doing nothing? was supposed to answer phone calls [lolz... kinda like edna's and angel's jobs? ha] but only 2 phone calls came... then i was supposed to do the taping of the cctv lah... wanna sleep also cannot sleep properly! man it was horrible. hopefully its the only guard duty i have to do. pls. gym session yesterday was god... horrible. the weights were like freaking heavy seriously. and we had to do diamond pushups and held our whole body down without actually touching the floor? basket... then it was slack all the way till dinner time? actually the whole week was very slack? oh! we had this military police surprise check on wed night or smth? they were like "platoon 4 come down now!" so we all happy2 thought we were going for nightsnacks... bring 11b and excited and all... but no? gosh... so scary! they made us ransack our cupboards? everything? sooo scary... not as if i brought anything illegal lah but its just scary? and i heard some sergeant got his name taken down cuz he brot porn in? good lucks to u lah huh. ha. oh we take turns to be the section ic and i'm now the section ic lah... so have to do all the sai kang sorta thing? had to collect new bedsheets and pillowcases and we didnt have enuff of pillowcases? so i'm supposed to go down and get for u again lah. freak it lor. just bcuz i'm the ic dusnt mean i have to do everything lah. and yesterday... me and my singh bunkmate were sitting with the rest for a good half an hour and they just happily berbahasa cheena? my god. somebody save us pls. i seriously envy section3. anyway, my section commander was stationed with me at the guardroom and he was asking how i find the section so i told him honestly lah... and he meted out push-ups as punishments whenever they chin in baCHEEhaNAsa? but seriously it dusnt help lah huh. sucks man. grr. and yes i hate freeloaders. ha. and i pity isaac sometimes lah... he's this guy from nj whu stinks when he perspires... and my other sectionmates always piss him off... and he'll go "fuck lah..." and he'll just disappear and mingle with other sections? tts sad... oh well... what to do... anyway... i havent told u about some army songs have i? come lemme tell u! ha... there's this one which goes like this... "lalalala... got no time to masturbate ah! but got time to stand by bed!" i'm like... wth? ha... more reserved abit can? and when it comes to the word masturbate everyone will just go soft? ha... and there's another one... "booking out, saw my girlfriend, saw her with... another man, KILL THE MAN!" the last 3 words damn loud? fortissimo? i'm like... whoa chill man! ha... seriously? chill man... had remedial training yesterday for the chin up failures... yes i'm one of them. ha. anyway... one of the exercises required us to hang on the chin up bars for 30 secs and my section commander was like "those whu cant hang for 30 secs or more dont masturbate at all" smth liddat? wth! wads the link sia? totally no link. everyone managed to hang on the bar for 30 secs btw. ha. but whatever... gosh... book out time was 8.30am... my mom fetched me from pasir ris mrt and we went geylang to replace my lost atm card... yeah! cant wait for my pay! ha... soon k? heard they're gonna deposit 2 mths of pay? wow wow... sorry mom i'm not telling u yet? ha... went to make my flash debit card also... so cool? can sign sign ala credit card when making purchases? ha... oh... i kinda like the name elijah! hai... so throughout the whole car journey i was thinking whether adryan or elijah's nicer? then i even thot of combining those 2... so it becomes edryan elyjah? [elyjah to go along with nadya and nadyn? heh] but edryan looks kinda word... and like too many y's liaoz... but elijah's a nice name? ok... i'm seriously thinking too far. ha... lets get over BMT first yeah! which is over next month! =p


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