
Saturday, February 14, 2004

heyhey... its bookout time once again... book in's at 6.25pm tmr?! wtf... tts like how early lor... shittifying... anyway! no time to waste! cmon lets update! ha... i think this week was the most shiong we had so far? my god... SOC is horrible man... its doable without dummy rifle and the SBO thingy... its like normally i'd have no problem clearing the SOC... but with the dummy rifle and the SBO i cant even clear the low wall sia! its just so heavy? and being the small me dusnt help either yeah... nono... i'm not so small either... anyway! we had shooting the whole week lah... which was kinda fun? cuz u rush to wait and wait to rush... and in an air-conditioned place man! where else can u get air-con on tekong! after u've finishing ur shooting practice u proceed on to the briefing room and wait for others to finish theirs? i had quite some time to wait for the rest so yeah... i slept... and shooting's quite easy... but nightshooting was wth lah! my front tip was supposed to glow in the dark but it didnt! u tell me how to shoot lah without the glowing tip! fark sia... i anyhow aim lah! then my sergeant said can see... u try lor... duhs... i got like 0/6 lor for tt... ass... those days where we had shooting zoomed by cuz we practically spent the whole day waiting lah... and tts good... midweek we had this express interest survey... like if those whu wanna go OCS or SISPEC can like make ur interests known on tt OTAS sorta paper... so yes... i happily answered NOs to those "do u want to go to OCS?" sorta qns... and my platoon commander knew lah... and he said those whu put NO will end up in sispec and those whu put YES will not end up in sispec... right! i so believe u lor... u just wanna cheat me right? hmph... then i still put "i wanna pursue my interests in music by joining any 3 of the SAF bands"? ha... like kinda exaggerated but whatever... pls note what i wrote! ha... anyway on thursday we had SOC in the afternoon... then dinner... then aqua jogging after dinner! i swore i'd just sink into the water sia... tired legs + heavy dinner = sinking in water? ha... obviously i didnt lah... we had 2 aqua jogging sessions... the first one on tuesday... the pti's a farker lah?! [pti = physical training instructor] such an ass... my god! farker... and like after he released us... i heard him saying "eh ur pubic hair alot ah... cover properly lah!"... nonono... not me of cuz! ha... but like... wth? fag or fag u tell me? how to cover properly also when the trunks dont allow? duh right... wear pants and swim u want? duh... like ur pubic hair so little lor... [oh lemme divert abit! speaking of pubic hair... my platoonmate kinda sad lei? he's the toilet ic lah... so whenever there's area cleaning he'll have to clear the pubic hair on the urinal... yucks i knoe but its kinda funny i think... ha!] anyway... he sucks lah huh... this whole week zoomed quite fast... oh yes... bjorn and kelvin passed out liaoz? i'm like sooo jelluz can... he passed out on thursday morning and his whole company walked past my company line and my whole company just stood outside the corridor and waved goodbye? wth... so jelluz... nvm my turn will come soon come 25th march! ha... i wont be booking out next weekend... sigh? sadness man... field camp liaoz... nvm... after fieldcamp will be quite slack yeah! oh... i'm used to listening to YES933 liaoz. yup. period. thanks. this guy whose name i shant mention is wtf lah? i was cleaning the bunk so i had to soak the rag in water... so i went to the toilet and used the first sink and tt farker just got pissed! HELLO?! u didnt even tell me cannot use or u just cleaned it! u did not. wtf u wanna get angry for? look at urself lah muncung. so irritated. cant be bothered to tok to him sia... so unreasonable. and i cant stand pple slacking when the rest are doing their respective area cleaning! like pls help lah... many hands = lighter work yeah. anyway! i went for alumni today... tho i was kinda late lah... talked to mel for awhile only? like wth lah... and mg was like hello recruit? thanks ah... and i wore my cap throughout the whole practise... ha... sorry? vanity k... lolz... but they made me take it off lah in the end... anyway... this girl said i dont look like i'm in NS? lets look at it positively... she's trying to say i look young right? ha... i saw 2 of my classmates too! its nice meeting up with friends whom u havent met for super eons yeah... met zl and weijing separately... they went for the jj carnival... i was told it was kinda crowded tho not tt fun? ha... abit mismatched yeah? anyway... 2 of my other classmates went too... damn i didnt go! if not we cud have a class gathering! sad man... today's vday... i cant stand girls [and no i'm not dissing u girls... hear me out first?] whu act like guys have to oh-so-manja them just cuz its vday? flowers and teddybears and everything... get a life seriously... hope u suffocate with tt bloody bear when u sleep yeah. ha. i cant stand how gentlemanly can guys get on vday too! i mean... u dun be a gentleman only on vday yes? irritating... OH YES! how could i forget! MY FIRST PAY! $529.45! i knoe its little but its not so meagre compared to the what-can-i-possibly-do-with $350 man... so happy! ha... but they're only paying us tt amount for the first month lah... subsequent payslips will be $350 lor... anyway! i'm getting my sony dsc-t1 soon! yeah... so pretty! happy happy meeeee... =)


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