
Monday, June 14, 2004

hey! happy happy. ha. was down for night duty today actually. wtf. i was informed JUST today? they like drew lots and my name was picked. i'm nv lucky at drawing lots. trust me! argh. anyway. felt like crying lah. the night duty's plan supposed to be plan BY june lah ok? then last minute last minute cannot get anyone resort to drawing lots. how unfair. victimised lor. started msging pple and telling how sad i am. mel even gave me an sms hug. haha. anyway! my senior RP's covering my duty today. ha. which equates to mood uplifter yeah. lol. anyway! lemme recap on what happened last week. the week just snailed so slowly. ok. tts tautologic. my god. the urge in me to shop just made it slower. ha. oh yeah. told u tt there were recent cases of theft right? another RP just lost his camera phone on saturday. wtf. its not safe seriously. anyway we lost a 6600 we confiscated lah. so my sgt agreed to get a new phone as a replacement for tt fella. and i remember him mentioning tt its good to contribute tho not obligatory. but i kinda felt his pain so i told him last week tt i'd pay him the day after. i thot of paying $10 but it was kinda pathetic? the other RPs paid $10 anyway. each of cuz. yeah. now i'm feeling guilty cuz my "day after" nv came? sigh. and he's like so nice. haha. how? he even let me off early today. guilty eh. thot of giving him $20. hai. dunno how. nvm about that for the moment. met up with dan on saturday. supposed to shop lah. wanted to shop but nothing caught my eye really? tts always the case ya. so ended up just bumming around town and eating haagen daz's midnight cookies. met sgt kenneth also! didnt talk to him tho. which was kinda wasted. oh well. his frd came and i left soon after. headed home. some friends came over to watch vcds since i was home alone till sun night. they didnt stay over tho. went town with my mom yesterday. and i really shopped. shopped more than her. ha. got myself a new pair of levis! my fave ever i think? haha. and a nice nice quik tee. think it goes well with any of my denims or brown suede? happy happy. and think i'm into khaki shirts now. sigh. fcuk has this really nice one? quiksilver also. oh man. and i'm into cream/khaki shoes now? just to like match the whole thing? fcuk has this nice pair of cream shoes. argh. nice. oh! i realise a similarity between me and my mom. our shopping habits. whenever we find smth we like we'll think of clothes to match it with? we wont like get it just cuz its nice. unless u wanna get everything else just to match? ha. yeah. and we're spendthrifts. lol. alright. mom sent me home. went to lot1 in the evening to buy dinner but cudnt decide what i wanted to ended up heading home with nothing. 'cept for old chang kee's gyozas [which dont match up to those of sakae's] and corn pie. and some toiletries. ended up cooking maggi. watched bend it like beckham! niceee. keira knightley's pretty! oh. there was this scene lah. they were measuring jess' measurements for her clothes and everything. and the tailor commented her tits were like mosquito bites. hahaha. like how pathetic is that can u imagine? lol. its a nice movie. i like it. and the music! it made me like bhangra music! so colourful and dancey! today marked the day where fresh privates from bmtc and corporals from sispec go to their new units. saw some familiar faces. was surprised to see philip pang! my pri sch best frd! talked to him for a lil while in the morning. he actually signed on? like which sane idiot will do tt! anyway. he'll be in my camp so i get to see him often. its nice to see old friends yeah. saw clive too. and some familiar faces from sajcband. band fest pple also. worked 5 hours today. i thot 4 only. was supposed to take over spotcheck from noon till one. but oops? i overslept. rather i didnt knoe? till my friend woke me up. so started doing spotcheck from 12.35pm liddat. ha. went home with clive. get a slightly earlier release from my sgt. told him i'm meeting my mom. sigh. he's nice and that makes me feel guilty. anyway. clive's signing on with band? waiting for approval lah. i was thinking of signing on too lei. the money's good. the bond's for 5 years. i can like get paid for just making music and can also do a part time degree and like take up driving! and i'll be saving time as compared to my peers also. oh well. shrugs. anyway. mery lost her phone again on saturday [tts for not going out with me on saturday. haha. kidding!]. i kinda pity her. bitch. the thief i mean. even stole her sandals! which sane bitch will do tt sia. cheapo lor. i swear i'll pull her hair and rub sand on her face if i find out whu sia. so irritating. and its so sad. hai. on a lighter note! i talked to adit on friday night? ha. first it was msn. my bro was helping him to type via msn lah. so chat chat finish liao i said goodbye lah. tt cute boy actually waved goodbye? to the monitor? haha. soon after my tante called and adit spoke to me on the phone. he told me he bot a loket. i was thinking wad? locket? necklace thingy? ha. rocket lor. still said he loves me alot. hahaha. cutteeeeee. i'm really missing bmt alot so this next part of the entry will be dedicated to bmt and the friends i've made yeah. hmmm. enlisted on 16th of january 2004. 54th direct enhanced bmt, scorpion company, platoon 4. felt so patriotic when we sang the national anthem infront of our parents. like wow! i'm doing an honourable task serving the nation! hahaha. its diff now. anyway. i'm really missing platoon4. the sgts and all. there's plt sgt hidayat, sgt lawrence, sgt hazwan, sgt kenneth and muscular sgt chua. think we were the slackest cuz they rarely tekan us? niceeee. welfare. then there's OC mwo sng chwee pow. funny guy. our uncle. hah. then there's csm msg siva whu always likes to joke with us whenever he's feeling bored! and he can do the most funniest of things. my pc, 2wo pete. a nice fatherly figure. and my platoonmates! was from section2. section1 was erm ok. tho we didnt quite some pple from there. section4 seems to be on their own most of the times. so section2 was close to section3. i'm really missing the friends there. lets see. indi my singh eating buddy. kwek the guy whu forever hates isaac. kianbin whu wears his undies inside out. haha. isaac the hated one. peckteng whu dus good impersonations of everyone in our company. mingmao and seeing how he disses isaac. the ultra nice kevin. the xia lan zhiwei. itchy scratchy fabian. ocs enthu remy. weijie. yup. these 11 are my sectionmates. of cuz there were other guys i made frds with from other sections. mainly from section3. syaziran and his retro joke on salihin! haha. can nv forget that. salihin and seeing him all panicky when he was the platoon ic. hahaha. joker i tell u. melvyn the cute one. haha. easy-to-laugh tingyi whu liked standing beside me cuz my drill was good. ha. mervin the stutterer cum my basha buddy during sit test. the hairy chiakeen. the one with the funny voice weiyong. my rt buddy junyi. lol. david the one with the slang. mr funny guy lawrence. and of cuz others. too lazy to mention only. section3 pple are really nice? once i lost my washer for my rifle which is small lah. the size of a 5 cents coin? it kinda fell into the field. so we combed the whole area around my basha. like the whole of section3 joined in as well? how nice is that. cuz if lose it kena guard duty mah. syazi managed to find it next morning when he coincidentally happened to shine his torchlight there? ha. whew. i miss plt4. ahhhhhh. bmt's fun seriously. i miss the water parades. the army songs! "eh ah oh ah infantry ah... lalala... got no time to masturbate ah! but got time to stand by bed ah! got no time to strip my girl ya! but got time to strip rifle ya!". haha. the army produces horny guys. hehe. miss the regimentation during bmt. the standby area's. the admin time where we'll just do nothing. eat titbits and read fhm and glance thru yrbooks to find good looking pple. the western food on mondays which i think is to lift up our monday blues? ha. the portions are big i tell u! miss everything else about bmt. ahhh. wish we can have a gathering someday. okay. shant prolong this post any longer. sorry if u had to squint. haha. and happy 19th clive! =)

we are brothers in arms, brothers proud to be...
we are the first, the one and only infantry...


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