
Sunday, December 26, 2004

hello hello. 2nd update in a week? heh. went out to town today with my mom. and the crowds were out in full force! for a sunday, town was sure packed. post xmas sale everywhere! saw this really nice mambo boardshorts. was super hinting my mom lah. the smallest they had was 30? and i'm a 28-29-ish. tried it on anyway. in case its too loose i have a good reason not to buy it right? but no. it fits nicely. and its brown! argh. i have a soft spot for brown stuffs. love that colour man. i'll probably get it next payday. hoping for a payraise! heh. and its half the price of my crumpler? so its quite okay. tsktsk. -basks in self-consolation-

went to ax at paragon. my mom was browsing thru some clothes lah. and from the corner of her eyes she could see someone in front of her going wherever she went? like whenever she moved to the left tt person will go left too? so obviously the natural thing to do would be to move right righto? so she did. and she moved left again. and when she looked up at that person, she realised it was her reflection in the mirror? haha. ah duh...

supposed to be on leave tmr. but my encik brought forward my range from wednesday to tmr! ah fuck. range = morning till night = stay in = fucked up. hate staying in. argh. and it dusnt help tt i'm a bobo [read: lousy shooter] but in any case, if i'm a bobo, my encik's a super bobo. haha. cuz he's cross-eyed u see? lol. we'll see tmr. range for 3 days. i'm hoping they'll cut it down to 2 days. oh pls pls. and range is freaking boring. its like u shoot and shoot then u rest for 3-4 hours tt kinda thing? wtf. so pls. pls sms/call me yah?! and yeah. pray that i dont fail. dont wanna take atp like thrice. wish me luck pple!


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