
Saturday, May 28, 2005

omggg. you guys cant believe what s85xxx26i, cpl hafizan did for singapore! holy lord. okay... i was doing civilian desk on wednesday morning. i happened to be doing it cuz no other RPs wanted to do. so okay. then this group of say, 10 grass cutters came? and obviously they're all foreign workers. so one by one they came and gave me their work permit card in exchange for visitor passes. then, prolly the fifth guy [lets call him A] came and gave me his work permit card. and i happened to scrutinise his work permit card. made sure its not expired, made sure the face tallies and stuff. [oh btw, i normally dont do that? so yeah] everything okay, so i gave him his visitor pass. few mins later, his friend came along using an exact copy of A's work permit card. and i remember A's name. so obviously i was like "eh? wtf!?" so went searching for A's work permit card. and ah-huh! it was the same exact copy. its like me and u, but u hold a copy of my ic? which obviously is so wrong? yeah. informed my sgt. sgt -> csm -> police & higher authorities. and so the police came and handcuffed the guy away. the employer too. felt kinda guilty lah. but oh well...

so at night i told my mom, full of myself and i freaking got a scolding from her lah! she was like "the poor guy's only trying to make a living and support his family back in bangladesh! why did u have to do that!" of cuz i felt bad lah. the best i could do was to say a prayer for him before i slept.

but honestly. how many of u can catch illegal foreign workers man?! not many lor. tsk. i did it not for my camp. not for the SAF. but for singapore! holy lord. and its the third time an illegal foreign worker has been caught. the last time my colleague caught one, he was awarded with 3 days off and a letter of commendation from the chief engineer officer. seriously! how many nsf's will get a letter of commendation from their formation's head?! not everyone. i bet this letter of commendation will dwarf even the officers' whatever! haha. ok. enough. my csm was telling me the loc will do wonders to my resume. and i certainly hope not in the field of security only. haha. please...

on duty tmr. fuck. i know i shouldnt be complaining when i was the one who planned the monthly duty plan for the RPs. haha. did i tell u there's no more prowling to be done for the rp specs? so guess i'll just laze around in the guardroom with nothing to do, ipod for company. which reminds me, time to update ipod! many many nice songs! [thankew edna!] hero, out! ;)


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