
Monday, January 31, 2005

hey man. -pants- just came back from my run. distance? dont ask. wanted to run 2 rounds. but laziness got the better of me. ended up running one round only. and mind you. one round does not equate to 400m. like 2km thereabout? i seriously had nothing to do. and desperate housewives isnt gonna start till like 10pm? so journey to a healthy lifestyle i embarked upon. hope it'll continue and not just a moment of enthusiasm. i'm even thinking of buying dumb bells? haha. shall seek help from hunky darrell. hmm...

workwise, nothing dandy. same old stuff. still adapting to my cpl rank. like sometimes i'll still write pte hafizan? hah. and yeah. the guardroom's strength has surged to like 30? not tt i'd mind or anything. but seriously tt is a lot. and cpc keeps giving us malay rps! there seriously wudnt be enuff non-malays come hari raya 2005 if this carries thru. gosh. no good no good...

was on duty on saturday sadly. and this guard i prowled happened to be a fairsian? daniel foo or smth. i think the max volume his voice can go is set to pianissimo cuz i kept going huh whenever he talks? hah. and this other guy was telling me he often gets bullied. like recently some guys tied him to his bed after lights out and autographed on his stomach. and that was when he shouted. like how rare indeed. what dya say my fairsian friends? haha.

mom rented a car last night. mom's friend's sister's car. so she asked me and my bro out lah. went to west coast for brunch. didnt have anything to do so i suggested going to a travel agency to check out airfares and stuff. so off we went to causeway. so we were finding a parking lot. and i think she turned too early and the car's side hit the corner of the pillar! fuck man. like half an hour ago she just told me when turning, turn only when the car is half a windows length infront of the object next to the car? sigh. shudnt have suggested going to a travel agency. no choice but she had to rent the car for a few more days to have the dent fixed. think it costs 250 bucks? plus 150 bucks for renting the car. sigh. bloody wasted lah. totally anti-climax man! damn.

oh. and did i tell u my mom specially tailored a dress for her company's dnd last sat just to like suit the theme? and she spent 350 bucks lah. like happily. not like she's gonna wear it again or smth. sigh. so pardon me if i follow this trait of hers. hah. i'm going shopping this saturday! ahh. like finally man. checked my atm just now. still had a balance of 80 bucks. surprise surprise. seems like i havent shopped for eons. thanks to my new specs eh. sigh. cant spend too much also. really needa save...

oh yeah. i might not be going to us of a this june afterall. most prolly going brisbane or smth. i seriously wudnt mind eh. cuz my mom's willing to claim a free tic for me to vancouver [if the band peeps ever decide to go there] using her miles. cool shit! so gonna save money that way. just gonna need to save a lil for shopping and stuff. but nothing's concrete lah huh.

desperate housewives later! so gotta catch it man. heh. me, out!


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