
Monday, January 17, 2005

hellooo. heh. its been long. lol. hmm... issit me or what? how come the homepage of blogger is all in chinese? why ah? blogger's having cny mood too? lol. anyway. met up with ling and mel last last sunday. its been eons since i last saw ling and mini-eons since i last saw mel. lol. went for lunch at marche. so guilty cuz i kinda came empty handed? ling had gifts for me and mel and mel baked brownies for me and ling. slacked around town. went clubbing. coffee style. coffee club? haha. right. then went to esplanade and there was this gig by some local band. not bad i'd say. just that the lead is a tad too irritating. spastic man. oh. had a really good laugh till i teared cuz of ling-the-troubleshooting-IT-expert's phone call. haha. wth... anyhow it was nice meeting them up yeah.

last week at work seemed kinda long. weekend just like took forever to come man. conference on thurs. my encik wasnt around. so sgtsheng took over him. it was bad. the regulars all came down on me. bloody fucks. i'm just an nsf. grr. nvm... shit happens. and i think my ao's so much nicer than my co tho alot think otherwise.

met up with s8 on saturday. diana's back! okay lah. she came back like last mth just that she didnt have time to meet us. so saturday it was. went sakura for dinner. good. cheap. ate alot but i still wasnt full. a pity jo cudnt make it tho. if not it'd be complete attendance. and rozi had to go off like after dinner? oh well. went chijmes after dinner. nice. had mocktail. i'm really hoping its mock tho. cuz mel said some mocktails do contain a lil percentage of alcohol. gosh. i seriously didnt knoe. hah.

scorpion plt 4 gathering yesterday. coincidentally we were all one year soldiers yesterday! heh. [oh btw. say hi to cpl hafizan pls. haha] attendance was kinda bad. only 9 of us turned up? and our plt had like 50? oh well. lunch at fish&co and then on to pool at lucky plaza. pool games wth shazi just took like forever cuz we're both newbies. haha. oh yeah. some guys appear nicer now than during bmt. hah. i think minus the competition to outdo one another and all lah huh. yeah. and when we were leaving there was a huge chaos. this guy was hit with a wooden stick till he bled? think the hit was kinda hard cuz i saw splinters of it. wtf. so us being the curious singaporeans joined the curious filipinos and surrounded that fella. gosh. blood all over. the police came like 5 mins later and shooed everyone away. so we obviously left the place. and we realised the path we took was the path the attacker took? cuz there were fresh blood stains on the floor and the staircase railings which shazi touched. happening ah.

on off today. so made a trip down to oakley's authorized distributor to have my old frame replaced with a totally brand new one. for a mere 30 bucks! cool shit. totally worth it after having spent so much initially when buying the specs. was reading thru this thing on the counter and it said the warranty doesnt cover scratches and etc. i am so glad my old frame is badly scratched AND corroded. cuz ur frame has to be corroded then they'll replace it for u? hah. nice. so now i got like 2 totally brand new specs. wth. and i kinda like the one kel wore when we met up on saturday. haha. right.

wanted to go to town after that but realised its pointless cuz i knoe i cant spend. i'm adhering to my new year resolution k. heh. went to lot1 and bought the brownie mix. not worth it if i buy coffeebean's brownies for 4.50 for that meagre piece when i can have a much larger one for 5 bucks right. tho i have to bake it lah. the brownies mel gave were kinda little. so little i finished all tt night itself. haha.

oh. my dad bought this router cuz we have another pc in the house. sadly the other pc can't connect or smth. oh yes. and whenever i use the router my msn keeps disconnecting? like only my msn [i think]? hai. what's happening man? anyone knoes? maybe ling will knoe. haha. oh yes! go get taufik's debut album man. the original compositions he sang are really good. and his voice is like smooth man. nice. so not sounding like he's a singaporean. heh.

alright man. its 3 working days for me and another long weekend! me, out. =)


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