
Sunday, June 12, 2005

these few days have been good. super short working week for me. course was so so basic it totally bored me. i bet the certificate's worth zilch. haha. being away from camp feels uber good. and pissed i was when my colleague dropped me a msg and asked me whether i'm the one who does the leave application. and i replied "no. its just that when i'm there they make me do everything." yep. even menial tasks like composing an email. hmph. there u go.

it was a boring saturday. spent it at home, happily. highlight of the day was receiving a phone call from my mom. she went "ur stepdad's asking me to bring the both of u to UK!" holy lord. totally when i least expected it! haha. think i'll be going in sept/oct. gosh. nothing's been confirmed, but i think it will be soon. think i'll exhaust my leave then, if i go for 2 weeks. [which means i wouldnt have any leave to clear before ord. lol] my mom even suggested stopping over for one night at amsterdam, or go for a 2 days trip to paris. cool shit! schiphol, here i come! wheeeeeee.

and prolly i'll check out the unis there and enquire as well. perfecto. and i decide to curb my spending for these few mths to the bare minimum. plan to save up about 500SGD. plus the foreign currency i'm holding now i reckon that should suffice. got a shock when my mom suggested bringing 300 pounds there. that's... crazy.

should go down to oxford language sch soon to get my money back and sign up somewhere else so hopefully i can start soon. and by the time i leave for UK [and paris] i'd have a french vocab enough for me to get around town. haha. cant wait cant wait!

bought a quik tee just now. couldnt resist, too nice eh. so that leaves me with about 200 to spend. and that includes my transport and my hp bills. sigh. this is bad. but nvm. i'll survive. philippe starck wearing me, out! :D


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