
Monday, February 27, 2006

you'd have probably heard i went for the cabin crew interview. and didn't make it. haha. i'm fine, no worries. went for the fun of it. but of course, that burgeoned into hopes of acing all interviews and jetsetting with class, lv/gucci bag in tow. many many sleepless nights culminated into that less than one minute short introduction of yourself. and i bet walk-in interviews for the cabin crew position can easily rival the singapore idol auditions, easily. probably that's why the idol producers extended the auditions. lol.

it was all fun though. i will definitely go again, as much as i want my degree. never mind the queues [which puts singapore idol auditions to shame], the nervousness, excitement and sleepless nights and the likes. the prospect of flying after only 4 months of training [as compared to that of a pilot, which is approximately 2 years] so so beckons. what the heck, my mom was even supportive of me going for the interview when she was so against it years ago! my dad was like "okay, once you pass the first interview, we can get your aunt or uncle to help you." right. they're both employees of sq.

talked to my aunt about it and she said sometimes they want to see how keen and how badly you want the job. even my aunt and cousin didn't make it the first round. and look at my aunt now, she's a leading stewardess! pretty pretty leading stewardess. and seriously, i am not consoling myself. but seriously, i so don't know what they're looking for. 2 guys whom i thought were very eloquent did not get in? right.

anyway, for aspiring cabin crew members, this is for you. you're all decked out in your finest formal clothes. ties, heels, bobbi-brown-trimmed-eyebrows [lol!] and all. the interview starts at 9, so you come at 9, only to be beaten by a few hundred competitors. if the queue's too long for the facility to bear, you'll be told to wait in waiting room, following which you'll join the queue. queue for 1-2 hours, take the height test, and join the queue again for another 2 hours or so. only after that 4-5 hours, you submit your application form and they'll verify your credentials on the spot. and then you'll have to wait for an hour for your grouping of 10. the other 9, obviously your rivals. so you think of ways to stand out, throat cleared and all, make an introduction of yourself. wait close to half an hour for the instant results. go home disappointed if you didn't get the sheet of paper. excitedly call friends if you got that coveted sheet of paper [ala the golden ticket to hollywood or caldecott hill.] for what happens after that, you'll have to wait till i become a certified air steward. lol. right.

and to make things worse, i had my first french test on saturday too. so plans to mug for french [and concurrently stressing the other interviewees] had to be shelved cuz there weren't seats for us. my french grammar's like how freaked up. lol. it was like a k2 writing broken english that sorta thing. but anyway! i think i kinda aced my oral. tre tre tre bien!

now i feel like stocking up on more formal garb after that interview! guess i'll know what to shop for in KL now. not some exorbitantly charged quik berms definitely. [yeah yeah, i'm going to KL. i know, i haven't been blogging for eons] and i'm sure there are nice cheap zara-looking clothes around. like my zara'ish shoes. hush hush. oh, i saw this nice pair of formal shoes from beetlebug! so so cute i think they look like an elf's shoes. and i will get it. i'll get clothes to match it. ;)

when i'm at work, i so wanted to ord. and when i'm clearing my off's and leave, i so wished i'd be at work. haha. it's more like missing my colleagues. ah well. i gotta look for a job soon! never been this broke in quite some time. brb!


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