
Saturday, June 19, 2004

ARGH! was typing one long long long post. finished typing it actually and wanted to add a few lines from the beatles song and my pc just hung on me! argh. bloody hell. so now have to retype again. hai. and its not fun seriously. have to recall everything lor. hai. anyway! this week kinda zoomed by lah which is good of cuz. hmm. oh yeah. some of my colleagues [colleagues? so not sounding like i'm serving the country? haha] were playing with my phone's multi shot function few days back and my sgt just happened to come out from the pass office. yeah he saw my phone. said he'll keep it till the end of the day but he ended up returning it to me an hour later? haha. promised him i wont bring it anymore. so how! i needa get a non-camera phone urgently! thot of buying one? 3120 or smth? hai. dunno lah. if u guys got a spare one lend me for a week only? just wayang abit lah. guess i'll just have to use my phone more secretly now. sigh. nvm. got kinda pissed yesterday cuz of an incident which i feel isnt my fault. listen to me now. lol. was doing duty from 10am to 12pm and my duty was to check the outgoing vehicles lah. so in my camp there's this unit called combat engineer which builds bridges or whatever shit lah? and those bridges are like mounted on super duper large trucks tt kinda thing? yeah. and before i got posted there there was this incident when a pick-up or smth just left the camp with parts of the bridge and the pick-up just escaped liddat? and yesterday while i was doing duty there was this pick-up which were carrying parts of the bridge lah. i didnt knoe they were bridge parts so i let the vehicle go lah. first of all, those black thingys weren't enormously large and it was transported on a pick-up not on the large trucks like i mentioned earlier on? and secondly the stolen incident happened before i was posted to neesoon camp. i was NOT informed of the incident. and my sgt passed down instructions tt we're to check vehicles which carry parts of the bridge. of cuz the instruction didnt get to me since i was posted after tt whole incident. anyway after the vehicle went past me my colleague came running to me and asked me whether i asked the driver where he's going with the bridge parts. i told him i didnt knoe they were bridges lah. and he assured me its gonna be fine. guess wad he did next! he reported the whole incident to my officer? knn. super hypocritical sia. how was i to knoe sia! its different if i knoe they were bridges, knoe tt we're to check for pick-ups carrying parts of a bridge and still letting the vehicle go? but i seriously wasnt informed. so am i to blame? farking hell. my sgt came to me and asked me whether i knew what my job was anot. i told him lah i didnt knoe they were farking bridges. stupid ugly black thingys. so he said he'll try his best to fight for my case. so tt i wont kena 3 extras. extras equate to extra night duties. so ok fine. i thot it was all gonna be ok. when i finished duty my sgt said i needa sign 3 extras cuz of tt? how blatantly fair is that! farking hell. totally not my fault and ur expecting me to get punished? basket. and tt hypocritical colleague of mine? i bet he told my officer so he can get incentives like days off in case the bridge parts were indeed stolen. think i dunno ur motive meh. sorry sorry ur head lah. anyway tt hypocrite helped me a lil and spoke up for me. so as of now i still havent signed the extras book. hopefully i wont. and i thot my sgt was nice. almost wanted to give him 20 bucks for the lost handphone. NOT ANYMORE! one moment say no extras the next moment say got extras. for smth which i wasn't informed of. argh. had halfday yesterday so i left at 12.30pm. took a cab down to yiochukang to applecare to get my ipod repaired. duh. the apple fella wasnt sure what's wrong and he said i'd have to pay $50 if they find nothing wrong with my ipod? DUH! the fact tt there's a weird sound coming from the inside of my ipod signals tt there's smth wrong with my ipod what! nothing wrong ur head lah. i told him off right away lor! basket. still under warranty anyway. rushed home. got changed and took a cab down to jj. it was a merc cab which i flagged down. i think the driver thinks i'm not malay and started speaking to me in english? lol. i surprised him last minute by speaking malay. haha. told mel about it and she attributed it to my voice? and guess wad streats horoscope said about my star?! said smth like others are jealous of my voice or smth? haha. so qiao its scary man. anyway, collected cert and headed to jp to meet choo and steph. got to knoe quite a few of my friends going sim to study. ha. talked and talked. had dinner at bt timah. saw a few bbssians and my sec4 classmate! ha. mat motor lor. driving motorcycle and all. and my bro came back from jakarta yesterday. mom went to fetch him from the airport. and guess wad happened! after alighting him off at my block my mom said she cudnt find her handbag. searched her entire car also cannot find. guess wad happened to it? she left it in between her seat and the car door lah. my mom's small sized mah. and u knoe when u leave car parks u have to insert ur parking ticket into the ticketing machine thingy? yeah. i think my mom stopped the car a tad too far from the machine so she cudnt reach it eventho she opened her window? so she had to open the door lah. and ta-dah! the bag fell to the floor. was kinda worried. it wasnt a cheap handbag and her cards and ic and driving license and wallet were all inside. what if some ahlian found it or what! confirmed will steal one lor. curses. ho sey liao. she rushed back to the airport to no avail. but some kind soul found it and left a note on her house door. whew. i thot mery was the worst but my mom beat her. but since she's gotten her bag back, mery's still the worst. haha. kidding! =p anyway got a call today from applecare and they said my ipod's ready for collection! was kinda surprised cuz the guy said it'd be ready only on tuesday. anyway took a cab down to yck again. and guess what! they gave me a brand new ipod! haha. so effectively this ipod is the third one. 2nd time repair mah. ha. so cool. they're like so generous? haha. yeah. wanted to go gymming today with darrell but the fella cudnt make it in the afternoon. bah. ended up i didnt have plans at all. stayed home the whole day. except going out for dinner with my mom just now and dropping by my grandma's. anyway! was reading today's new paper just now and they had this article on bimbos. along with it was also a quiz entitled "are u a bimbo?" they had qns like... "do u possess shiny items?", "do u own 20 pair of shoes?", "do u speak like u inhaled helium?" and "do ur end ur sentences in a qn like manner?" amongst others. hahaha. the first person which came to my mind was dear edna! haha. she has those silvery glittery shoes which i thot look super indian. she has a silver handbag also. haha. she speaks like she inhaled helium also. and yeah! she definitely ends her sentences with qn marks? fine lah fine. i'm guilty of tt too also. ha. himbo? lol. which reminds me! been seeing shingo from lightyrs booking in these days. saw him once with a gucci pouch. thot it was fake. but dont think so anymore. few days back saw him carrying an aigner bag and today it was a different gucci bag. wow. rich guy. tts like so ott metrosexual lor. but whatever. not like he's very good looking ya. ha. anyway! there's gonna be a scorpion plt4 gathering next sat! am so looking forward to it! havent seen my bmt mates for 3 good months man. exciting! at least it'll lighten up my mood a lil after all those sucky incidents which happened this week. heh. toodles!

i can't see me loving nobody but you
for all my life
when you're with me
baby the skies will be blue
for all my life...


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