
Monday, July 11, 2005

going for range was definitely the highlight of last week. never stayed in for 2 consecutive nights before. haha. anyways, scored pretty badly for imt, this simulated indoor shooting. so went for range worried and stuff. 100m shots at a 300m range. right. and everytime we gotta walk down 200m to the 100m mark to shoot, happily. that's okay. the worst thing was that we had to manually zero the weapon ourselves cuz there wasnt any monitor to show where our shots lie. so u shoot, then u walk 100m down to see where your targets landed, and walk back again to the 100m mark. champion...

my day shoot was okay. my night shots, for the first night, i got like 0/9? haha. super bobo! total score for my night shoot = 1/12. happily. and i wondered how i managed to get a perfect 12 for my night shoot last year. i passed the actual test anyway. whew. no more range!

went with the engineer officer cadets. there was this thai cadet, so we talked to him and stuff. he's like 28 and married. and his wife just gave birth to the 2nd child! and he's yet to see the child cuz he's not allowed to go back! so so so sad. and he's only paid a meagre 7000 bahts, that's like 300sgd or so. and our singaporean cadets get paid 730sgd as a trainee? it's damn sad. i really feel for him. he even has to work part time to support his family. hai. sad.
went to diana's place for bbq on saturday evening with s8 and some other jjcians. it was nice. played a card game which jo painstakingly created [she freaking printed the cards and laminated them! whoa!], kinda noisy sia. like some stock market. haha. but nothing beats playing murderer seriously. fun fun fun. enjoyed myself. heh. and diana's baby cousin is so so so so so cute! whenever we say "ni wa wa, ni wa wa" and do the twinkling of stars action she'll just smile! gosh. so cute!

sunday evening was spent with an old classmate, just bummed around and had dinner. went to jp and checked out gmask. saw this really really nice elvis mask. thot of wrapping up my t1 with that. and that night i msn-ed with the owner of gmask! wtf! he's like 20 lah? and after like 5 mins of talking to me he said he'd gimme a discount of 10 bucks! haha. cool shit!

payday last weekend. and i've only got 250 bucks to spend after saving up 200. argh. hp bill yet to pay, my transport. and i still gotta pay the remaining 50 bucks for my french class [which is finally starting tomorrow]. tt leaves me with like 100 bucks. right. i so can shop with that meagre amount.

season finale for dhw later! i wonder how i'm gonna spend my monday nights next week onwards. hmm. let me leave you with a joke made by our chief of army. heh. =)

"There was this guy who loved his wife, Wendy v much.
So one day he decided to tattoo her name W-E-N-D-Y onto his wiener..
The full name could only be seen whenever he felt a lil amorous..
On other lesser occasions, only W-Y could be seen.
So there was once he was at this urinal, when he absently glanced over to this other guy pee-ing next to him
And he saw tt this other guy also had W-Y on his wiener!!
Intrigued & suddenly suspicious of his wife, he enquired what W-Y was
the guy then said, Oh it stands for:


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