
Friday, September 03, 2004

hey man. i'm back. heh. went to extend my passport at cmpb last saturday since its my long weekend. kinda surprised they extended it till year 2012? it used to be for a year only. hence the frequent trips to sir just to extend the passport? went to jb with my mom on saturday evening. my first trip overseas after like so long! never mind the fact tt its malaysia. it feels good to leave singapore. especially when ur serving the country man. anyway! i'm going to jakarta on the 15th of this month! yeah man. finally i get to step on a plane after 9 mths! adit adit adit... hehe.

zamri's [my gay fat colleague] mom apparently's diagnosed with breast cancer? true or not i do not know. but he's happily taking this chance to make use of his compassionate leave. he's like supposed to have 3 sunday duties but somehow he coaxed my sgt into giving him only 1?! i initially had 2 night duties this month. now i've got 3. 1 weekend 2 weekdays. bloody hell. tt sucks. argh.

i really cant stand my chinese colleagues sometimes. damn. i think one hates me? remember the pickup which left the camp with parts of a bridge on it and he thought the parts were stolen? he was the one who told my sgt about it. so much for telling me "its gonna be ok". tts one incident. two. there are 2 sentry posts. he was doing the front one while i was doing the other one. so we went to draw our rifle and rounds. he was holding onto the key and he opened up. so i helped myself and took my rifle and rounds. i left immediately. he was still sitting there slowly drawing his rifle and rounds. soon another colleague came to my sentry post and asked me where's the key? apparently the guy who held onto the key earlier said he passed the key to me? bloody hell. i left earlier than u lor. bastard. the rifle and ammo keys are like so impt? chee beh. bloody malaysian. go back malaysia lah!

yesterday's ic was fucked up. we were all doing 6-7 hours of duty. and he himself did only 2 hours. god. he didnt even do those 2 hours?! so much for fairness my ass. i was kinda unhappy and my face showed it. was supposed to do saikang. i thot cud claim an off day or smth. then can use it to send jem off. happy happy all. then he chose another grp of pple for the saikang when my sgt already said me and other 2 guys are going. ippt for the failures was in the afternoon. he knows it. and yet he sent 2 guys who failed ippt for the saikang. duh. might as well send me right. bloody basket. fucking lazy. he was supposed to come out at 4pm to book pple for leave camp b4 office hours. at 4pm he was happily eating maggi and asked my colleague to book for him. bastard. fucking munjens. just wait till i get my rank and become the ic for the day. not all the chinese are loathsome tho. its just some of them.

met up with the bandmates for dinner on wednesday at newton. was so late cuz of saikang. jem's leaving for canada next tues morning. sigh. and i think what edna said about him leaving malaysia so often and not telling us leaving us wondering makes sense. i still dont feel tt he's going canada lei. hah. anyway meeting him again this weekend. gonna give him a proper goodbye.

singapore idol yesterday. joanna dong didnt get in! sigh. just cuz she did a jazzy number? she's so pretty. candice foo. dunno why she got in. think she's too cheena sounding to do alicia keys. and she made it to top3. what the hell. the malay guy's good looking man. gosh. and dick lee said his rendition of what a wonderful world was messy. it wasnt messy lor. its the same one done by guy sebastian and haizad was just following guy sebastian? stupid basket. dont think ur mr-know-it-all lor. i bet u didnt even know tt version by guy sebastian existed sia.

florence lian's a mean bitch. she said str8ly to this fat contestant that looks are important in the entertainment industry. pls lor. ruben? he won AMI man. guy sebastian? he isnt good looking but he has a large fanbase. kurt nielsen looks like a hobbit but he won the world idol. duh. look at ur co-judges. look at their complexions lah! pocked and all. ugly. duh. loathe the judges. except for ken lim. sorry for dissing him in the past tho. haha. think he's the best of all the judges.

and the voting thingy! i think its crap. its fake. its cheating us of our money! bloody hell. the piano shows are all pre-recorded. how can the results show be live when they wear the same outfits, they have the same audience, same banners even?! duh. moreover the time frame to vote is short also? cmon lah. them being idols i'm sure the sponsors wouldnt save on outfits and all? duh. so fake so fake so fake. rigged results. confirmed lor. i think its more of the judges choices than us. bloody hell.

had a tough time surviving last mth. was just so broke. haha. payday's coming! whew. the shopping flame in me's finally burning again! heh.

ps: mel, we'll plan our _____ soon yeah. haha. keep in touch. lol...

i held the pieces of my soul
i was shattered
and I wanted you to come and make me whole
then I saw you yesterday
but you didn't notice
you just walked away...


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