
Thursday, August 12, 2004

hey man. the previous weekend was the longest weekend i've ever enjoyed man. ha. went for a life run last saturday at bishan park. my colleague drove me there again. heh. the run started at like slightly past 8am? we sure ran. lol. more like a morning stroll in the park. we all were allowed to go at 8.45am? duh. wth. waste of time. but better than going back to camp for normal duty lah. whew. and guess what happened while i was strolling in the park?! hp in hand. this fucker of an angmoh bumped into me. and his impact was so great tt my hp just flew off my hand and BOUNCED on the tar-rish pathway? fucker. he didnt even apologise lor. argh. expat big deal lah. cheebeh.

was supposed to catch the village with marc but he apparently wasnt in the mood at the eleventh hour. so okay lah. slacked home. slept. got an sms from him in the afternoon. asked me out for dinner. ha. duh. went town till almost 12? i made it in time for the last train luckily. oh! i still wanna catch the village k. tho friends tell me different opinions i'd still wanna catch it.

received my pay on saturday night at about 11pm. checked my pay and i was kinda surprised to see $450? ha. like no deductions nothing? so i withdrew all $450 as a pre-emptive measure. haha. went for bfast with mom on sunday morning. wanted to have pita at bt batok but the shop moved out! sad. ended up going to jurong west for breakfast. yucks. anyway i told her i wanted to get 7610 tt afternoon and she was alright with it. so she agreed to pick me up later on in the afternoon since she was going to town also. and guess wad?! throughout the car journey she was lecturing me! wth?! women? so fickle. i just felt like plugging my earphones into my ear and just listen to my ipod lor. hmph. went to lucky plaza to get my phone. asked around for the cheapest 7610 and the highest trade-in value for my phone [ex rather. lol] i got trade-in offers as low as $150 and as high as $380? what the fuck. when i told the person offering me $150 tt another shop's offering me $380 they were like "go sell it to them -hohum-" bloody fucks. so bochup dont do business lah! so irritated. i got tt from two shops lor? and this shop offered me $180. so i told them the same thing. they instantly agreed to up the price to $380? wtf? so what? ur trying to tell me ur gonna cheat me? bloody fuck. so duh. could have sold my phone to this shop for $400 if not for the scratches caused by the fall. so i had to be contented with $380. got my phone for $820. happy happy. it was like the only brown/black set in the whole of lucky plaza i think. guess wad? tt price was before gst. cheebeh. make urself clear lah! i got tt phone anyway. opportunity cost? broke for the rest of the month. and yes. super bad shopping experience at lucky plaza. bloody fucks. dont go there. ever.

caught ndp on monday. think i saw clive lah. looks like him? not so tall too. haha. after ndp was singapore idol and towards the end of ndp the singapore idol bug got to me and i started singing along to the national songs on tv? hah. anyway i think it wasnt tt exciting as i thot it'd be. the judges suck. cmon. especially tt ken lim. and their comments are like so bland. so cliche. and the worse ones were well. okay. i've seen worse when i was in uk and they showed pop idol over there. hahaha. super funny. but yeah. there were a few good ones around tho. the ahbeng, butch and christopher michael lee. cant wait for the finals. i think it'll get more exciting then. 2nd episode yesterday. the bananaman was dumb. was he thinking he could get in with that? ur bloody head lah. or did mediacorp pay him to like up the ratings? hah. whu knoes man. oh yeah! angel had her 1sec of fame when her face flashed across the tv. haha. s30 angel.

its friday tmr. yeah. weekend's coming! not like i'm gonna shop or smth but the break would be good. duh. today was just sucky lah. i couldnt even sleep for more than half an hour lor. was called to go to the north gate cuz some trailer had to go in by there. mind you the north gate's a good 15mins walk from the guardhouse. and yes. the weather wasnt kind either. but we managed to hitch a ride. heh. after lunch i planned to sleep for 2 hours b4 my next duty? half an hour into my sleep my sgt woke me up cuz he had saikang for me to do! bloody hell. get someone else lah. i was made to go to the ammo dump to get this person to sign for me smth? the ammo dump's like up the hill and a good 15 mins walk. i hitched a ride too from a bandsman's father since he was sending his son to saf band. super nice lei. the ammo dump's like a 100m away from the white house so i told the father he could just drop me off at the white house. but he insisted tt he drops me off at ammo dump? ha. nice. managed to hitch a ride to the cookhouse for another signature too. this time it was a bus. haha. whew. at least i wouldnt be perpiring like some sweat machine and subsequently stink all over. went home at 6.30pm today cuz of some saikang. we were made to re-do the whole tentage. and we took 2 hours. duh. not like we're trained in it right! could at least called us earlier to do it what. sigh.

read streats yesterday and they had an article on lefties. hah. so its true! there are scissors for lefties and righties. no wonder i cant cut properly with some scissors. heh. and tmr's international lefties day! happy international lefties day to me and my leftie friends. and happy 49th to my dad. =)

i wanted you to know
that I love the way you laugh
i wanna hold you high and steal your pain away...


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