
Wednesday, August 04, 2004

hey man! went over to diana's for the bbq she organised last saturday with some of my classmates and some other jjcians. when we got there i saw this lady whom i thot looks like diana so i assumingly thot it was her biological mom. then she brot us to her apartment and i saw another lady whu looks like her! so i was abit lost. until i asked her. apparently her foster mom and biological mom are sisters?! omg. so cool! haha. had fun. took lotsa photos as usual. brot my brownies too. hahaha. one friend said i'm like super homely? always baking cookies and stuff? aww. lol. anyway diana's little cousin was there. i think she's super afraid of guys can? like no matter how me and kelvin will cajole her nicely into carrying her she will still shy away? i persisted and finally she came to me. haha. heavy man. sooo felt like kissing her. but of cuz i didnt. just reminded me of my dear adit. ha. oh well.

oh! i have 2 weekend duties for the whole month of august? plus one weekday duty. what the fark. weekend duties are normally for those whu kena extras! i've not gotten any lor. bloody hell. and one weekend is this sunday?! the 8th? national day eve? bloody hell. i was there when my sgt planned it and i kinda argued a lil and he was like "i've been nice enough to u cuz u havent had any night duties for month of july." no lor? the reason u didnt put me on any duty for the month of july was cuz of the shit night duties caused me in june. and i reluctantly did a duty which was informed to me only on the day itself due to bad planning and all. sickening. anyway i exchanged my weekend duty with my colleague's weekday duty. so okay lor. gonna give him a packet of ciggies for tt. whateverrrr.

met my pri sch best friend on the train today. was on the way home. didnt want to say hi lah. but he saw me looking so i had to act a lil surprised. haha. went over to talk to him and realised he's now colleagues with another good friend of mine whu was in the same class as us? ha. small world.

rushed home like mad. then went to meet hunky darrell today since he wanted my boots. his body is still as good as ever man. my pre-enlistment gym kaki? hahaha. i havent been gymming lately. but i started working out last week! push ups and sit ups. i shall be disciplined enuff to do them everyday. if not every other day also can. took bus with darrell to bt gombak since i thot of going to my grandma's. lol. got there, her door was opened. i shouted and shouted but no one responded? i dunno eh. lights on and all lor. her cat was in tho. lol. didnt want to stay long cuz wanted to catch amazing race5 at 8pm. hehe.

passed by this handphone shop so i enquired about the price of 7610. selling for $850. without bluetooth set. which kinda sucks. cuz i really wanna try out the bluetooth svc. fun whoa. anyway he was willing to buy my e700a for about $430 to $450? wow. tts like the highest i've found eh. was telling him i might buy 2 7610's since my mom thot of buying it too. then he was like "ur mom's so high end ah?" ha. right.

met this sgt who was from sch of combat engineers. he did guard duty b4 and was the guard comd. so i kinda know him. he just ord-ed last month. met him at bt gombak mrt so talked to him for a lil lil while. he went like "u still at neesoon camp ah?" i'm like "duh?" 20 more months can! lol. nice guy.

staying in tmr cuz friday morning we have to be deployed at 0630h. sian. staying in sucks tho we're sleeping in some air-conditioned office. yes office. lol. nvm lah huh. not like i'm doing any duty. lol. our camp's own ndp on friday. guess wads our attire? no. not our smartest number4. but our unit's engineer singlet and shorts! omg. gross. i loathe wearing singlets. exposing armpits and all. and those shorts are like the running kind? high slit and all. meshy inner lining. yucks. gonna look like some cock lor. grr.

it's not always rainbows and butterflies
it's compromise that moves us along
my heart is full and my door's always open
you can come anytime you want...


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