
Wednesday, August 18, 2004

hey... had an ultimately short weekend. grr. went to town at night with cha and diana. bummed around town cuz we had nothing to do. got home at like 11. didnt want to sleep cuz sleeping meant i was a step closer to sunday duty. gawd. ended up sleeping at close to 3 in the morning after ironing all my uniform and stuff. woke up with much dread. was thinking to myself, which idiot will book in on a sunday morning in smart4 sia. me? argh. i bet those nsfs will know i'm going for weekend duty. damn. reached camp b4 8. guard comd was a nice fella. the duty offr was some super on bastard [which was why i hated zamri twice as much].

there was nothing to do at all in camp? naturally the thing to do would be to sleep. sleep i tried. laid on the bed i did. but i still couldnt fall asleep! bah. the weather was too warm or smth? i think i'd still like sleeping on the floor. hah. prowled with guard6 from 2pm to 4pm. didnt want to prowl lah but since the do so on, no choice lor. guard comd even told us to go for TWO rounds. nee soon camp's like freaking huge. imagine a site 10 times the size of jj's sch compound. if not bigger. and its not a flat terrain sorta thing. the band and mdc are housed atop a hill and we gotta prowl there too? thank god after the first round it started to rain.

i like prowling with the guard duty personnel. they'll confirmed know some of my frds at least? which goes to show how microscopic singapore is. and i dont prowl with the same guard duty personnel cuz they take turns to do guard duty? which makes singapore so nanoscopic? hah. the guard i prowled with was actually the jc classmate of 2 of my frds? one whu was my bmt platoonmate and the other my sec sch mate? the fact tt my bmt platoonmate and my sec sch mate were in the same class already makes the world small? err.. geddit? hah. oh yes! another sec sch mate of mine was actually doing guard duty? lol. godfrey tan. i immediately msged grace cuz grace had a crush on him. haha. duh. okok. shant go raving about how small the world is.

went for breakfast at the engineers cookhouse after raising the flag. guess whu i saw! bixian? my sec sch classmate. saw 2 S8 guys. this S28 guy and one arts fella. whoa. jj reunion wor. of cuz i didnt talk to them tho one gave me the eh-u-look-familiar face. hah. yes yes. small world again.

kinda dreaded tuesday cuz i had night duty. again. hah. caught the army experience on 5 last night. saw chi! saw fahmie. saw a few jjcians lah. nice. kinda relived my bmt memories! and yeah. again the guard i was supposed to prowl with was from jj? some stupid nerd lah. he had an equally nerdy twin in jj too? ha. and yes. he knows 2 of my frds. bah. the 2 duty RPs are like supposed to prowl from 11 to 1am. the other RP on duty was one hell of a slacker. didnt want to prowl? but i was afraid the do will like secretly go to the ammo dump and hide himself there to check whether we really prowl anot? bloody hell. we quarrelled? lol. think wad. i'm some pushover ah. basket.

oh guess wad was implemented just yesterday? 100% check on all outgoing vehicles. big shots or not. bloody hell. it used to be a check-if-ur-in-the-mood-slack-if-ur-lazy job! no more standing in the outgoing post too? man they have a fan in there. outgoing used to be my fave job. no more man. anyway now 2 RPs will be doing the outgoing. the line of vehicles gets really long especially during lunch time? was checking this 1sgt's car. we addressed him as sir when he's only a sgt? before he drove off he was like "eh private next time address me as sgt ok?! -sarcastic-" fucker. we called u sir lor. being called a sir is so much better than being called a sgt lah. a sir's ocs trained? duh. cheebeh. totally pissed me off.

sometimes i just wish my anger will just sustain? but whenever i see the person whu got me pissed or whatever my anger will just like disappear instantly? tt kinda sucks. especially in the case of zamri. i was talking to anneson about zamri's fainting spell and all? apparently he's been fainting since sec sch and he's a good actor at tt? so i was all prepared to share this piece of news with my colleagues. haha. mean? u bet. went for lunch with my colleague on monday while zamri was doing spotcheck. came back from lunch and heard he cried cuz my colleagues disturbed him? hah. i bet he cried again today after i went home since my colleague and us found out tt he didnt go to his aunt's on sat[tts wad he told us]. instead he went for a picnic?! bloody hell. my colleague was like all out to make him cry? erm. ok. nothing to say. i can be angry now but when i see him face to face i'll just start being a lil nicer? cant help it. damn. i'm just too nice. and it doesnt pay sometimes...

i drove for miles and miles
and wound up at your door
i've had you so many times but somehow
i want more...


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