as some of you all have known, je suis un serveur dans un cafe francais a vivocity. i'm a french cafe boy at vivocity! [and for those who don't, well,
your bad] man, my legs are all toned up now! haha. but seriously, the job's not too bad. i get to french, that's for sure. i just like it when i suddenly spring a sentence in french to a customer while serving the food and they'll be momentarily surprised. ;)
and i'm going honky tonks in august! so i need to garner all the money in the world these 2 months. this job, whose office was 10 mins away, was willing to accomodate my fre(n)sh working hours but i left them an e-mail this morning and they have yet to reply me. sigh. such sadness. i wonder if enthusiasm will make them change their mind or something. hmm.
i got a call during work just now. but i was busy as hell. so i only called back 2 hours later. so when the person said she was from lancome, my mind went "oh that had to be chahat then!" so i said thanks and bye. only 27 secs later that i realised that the person on the phone with me
was chahat. gosh. such himbs! and when i asked her if that was her, she still had the cheek to tell me which handsome guy called, seeing that my voice sounds handsome. right.
planned to secretly record this laotian lady in my french class who speaks gibberish. lol. it's quite sad, really. cuz i don't think she's that literate to begin with? and her voice is damn deep which just culminates in i-wanna-laugh-but-i-can't-so-i-gotta-bite-my lips moments. but alas, she wasn't in class on saturday. we'll try soon! ;)
a bientot!